Macadamia kernel style guide

Style guide and comparison chart
To download the style guide and comparison chart click below

Style 0
Min 95% wholes
> 20 mm

Style 1
Min 90% wholes
16-20 mm

Style 1S
Min 90% wholes
13-18 mm

Style 2
Min 50% wholes
> 13 mm

Style 3
Min 15% wholes
> 13 mm

Style 4L
Min 80% halves
> 13 mm

Style 4S
Min 50% halves
10-14 mm

Style 5
8-12 mm

Style 6
5-9 mm

Style 7
3-6 mm

Style 8
Fine pieces and meal
< 3 mm
Kernels which are not split into halves, nor with more than 1/4 of the kernel missing, provided that the kernel contour is not materially affected by the missing portion.
Means that half of a whole kernel, with not more than 1/8 of its mass missing.
Pieces can be naturally broken or diced with the size specifications listed above.
Fines / meal are produced when macadamias are diced and consist of any small material less than 3mm in size.