INC 2024 – Vancouver

INC 2024 - Vancouver

The WMO and the macadamia industry were pleased to participate in the International Nut & Dried Fruit Congress (INC) in Vancouver this last week. It was an excellent event and Vancouver turned on the sunshine.

The INC macadamia round table session confirmed the 2023 volumes and the latest forecasts for 2024.

The nut-in-shell (NIS) volume for 2023 was confirmed at 315,425MT for 2023, 5.5% growth versus 2022 production. 2022 had delivered 22.6% growth versus the prior year. The forecast for 2024 is 339,200MT, a year-on-year increase of 7.5%.

The kernel volume was confirmed at 84,755MT in 2023, and the 8.4% forecasted growth projects 91,860MT. The higher growth for kernel is driven by higher rates of projected growth, largely coming from countries with a higher kernel recovery rate.

The industry was well represented at the roundtable.  Representatives from Kenya, Guatemala, Australia, South Africa, Brazil and China all took the stage, and we would like to congratulate Graeme Rust for chairing an excellent session and the panelists for insightful responses.

We are working on five-year macadamia production forecasts through to 2029, and also an update on the 2027 demand picture and hope to share these in early June. If you’d like to see more detail on the INC roundtable numbers for 2023 and 2024 forecast, please click below to visit the Industry Data section on our website under Resources: